Truck Driver Overtime Laws

If you are a truck driver you may qualify for truck driver overtime.

Under federal and state law, many professional truck drivers are exempt employees and, therefore, are not entitled to overtime compensation. This exemption does not apply, and overtime generally must be paid to, delivery and other drivers who do not cross state lines or who drive vehicles smaller than 10,000 lbs gross vehicle weight. Many employers, however, ignore these rules and treat all drivers as overtime exempt. It also is important to understand the difference between being an independent contractor vs. an employee as many employers inappropriately classify truck drivers as independent contractors in order to circumvent overtime pay laws.

If your employer is violating the overtime pay laws regarding independent contractors, you (and other employees) may be entitled to a significant award of back pay. PleaseĀ contact us for a free and confidential case evaluation or simply to learn more about the legality of your employer’s overtime policies.